When a person is gaslighting you, you may second-guess yourself, your memories, your perceptions, and recent events. Gaslighters always try to make the victim the culprit for their bad behavior.Did you see that 1944 film adaptation of the play, Gaslight?.My manipulative boss is always trying to gaslight me in the workplace.The shady salesman tried to gaslight the consumer, denying that he ever agreed to the deal.Because she likes to gaslight people, Terry’s mom often warns her teachers of her manipulation.We’ve always bickered, but lately, he’s accusing me of gaslighting him.Gregory and Jill constantly gaslight Paula, making her believe that Sarah’s ghost is haunting her.Here are a few examples of gaslight in a sentence:

In short, the definition of gaslight is to use psychological manipulation to sow seeds of doubt in an individual’s mind, causing them to undermine their sanity, judgment, perception of reality, or memories. To help you widen your knowledge of the English language, we’ve listed synonyms for gaslighting below: There are many different words that you can use instead of gaslight - these words are called synonyms. Robin Stern helped push the term “gaslighting” into popularity with her 2007 book The Gaslight Effect.
The term gaslight can first be seen in the Oscar-winning 1944 movie Gaslight, a story about a husband who relies on trickery to convince his spouse that she is going mad to commit her to a mental institution and steal her inheritance.įast-forward many decades later, co-founder and associate director for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Dr. This is usually for the gaslighter’s benefit. You can also use this word to describe an individual “gaslighter” who presents a false narrative to another person, leading them to doubt their perceptions and become misled, distressed or disoriented. What Does Gaslight Mean?Ĭonsidered one of the most popular words of 2018 by Oxford Dictionaries, gaslight is a verb that means to manipulate a person through psychological means into questioning their sanity. Learning more about the definition of gaslighting and knowing the signs can help you better identify gaslighting in your everyday life. Emotional manipulation may not leave behind physical scars, but it can have long-lasting effects. For more details, see Wikipedia's section on excessively broad use of the term "gaslighting".No one deserves to have another person gaslight them.

This is how I wanted to show the gaslighting that had been going on Rachel's entire life. Just in the nick of time Rachel finds out the truth about her life from Martha. 2016, Tate Taylor (movie director), in the commentary version of The Girl on the Train (2016 film), discussing a train scene seventy-six minutes into the movie:.I came home before he could gaslight me like Boyer did Bergman in the movie. "'Dramatic' Role Played By Freberg." The Oregonian. 1967, Stan Freberg (comedian), on his "most excruciating experience with a producer" as interviewed in Humphrey, Hal.1964, in an argument between the characters Jenny and Charley in William Goldman's novel Boys and Girls Together, page 564:.decide to " gaslight" the already befuddled captain, to convince him he is going insane. November 18, 1963: 24 col 2, describing the plot of the episode "The August Teahouse of Quint McHale" of McHale's Navy: (That means he's trying to drive her crazy.) Sylvia is a beautiful woman whose business-partner husband is " gaslighting" her. February 12, 1962: 12 col 6, describing the plot of the episode "Who Is Sylvia" of the television show Surfside 6: 1962, "The Journal Pre-Views Tonight's TV." Jersey Journal.( chiefly transitive ) To manipulate someone such that they doubt their own memory, perceptions of reality, or sanity, typically for malevolent reasons.