I have videos showing some of this on youtube under username JoeZyzyx.Uru Ages Beyond Myst -DEViANCE(Full ISO/2003) PC | 2003 | Publisher: Ubisoft | Developer: Cyan Worlds | 741.38 MB Genre: Adventure From the creators of Myst and Riven, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst is the next chapter of the Myst franchise and the most immersive and ambitious Myst experience ever created. The game will now run and use the virtual CD, speeding it up.
You MUST install MYST from this virtual CD drive for the game to use it.

Copy the ISO file into a win98 folder, install the VCCD program and load the ISO image to create a virtual CD drive. Place the ISO and the VCCD program into your XP's Shared folder for access in Virtual win98.
Virtual Clone CD (free) works fine in win98 for this. Not needed for speed in MYST, but if moving on to Riven you can run the game from a virtual CD drive instead of your actual CD drive. It's not necessary to have File Sharing setup to play the game. Because the virtual machine is a closed protected system, you can't move files directly from windows 98 in a VPPC to your XP system's drive, other than by File Sharing. If you have Sharing set up in XP and are connected to a home LAN, then you can exchange files from the virtual win98 PC to your Host XP by placing in a Shared folder in Network Neighborhood. Adjust your settings and you can even get internet access while in the virtual windows 98 system, which is handy if you want to do some screen captures and send to yourself. MYST Masterpiece Edition works perfectly in XP doing it this way. To get the mouse back outside the VPC just press the right ALT key and clk outside the VPC area. When you use the mouse in the VPC area, it will be captured there.
You can toggle the VPC between a window and full screen mode by holding the right ALT key and pressing enter. Remember when closing the virtual machine each time to save the changes you made to the virtual hard drive. Once that's done you can then install MYST into the virtual windows 98. FDISK & FORMAT the virtual HD, install windows 98 from it's CD. Clk on Action in VPC (virtual PC), then CTRL-ALT-DEL to boot. Insert your windows 98 SE retail disc in CD drive and boot floppy into drive. clk in Menu area & allow the CD and Floppy drives to be used. Once Virtual PC is installed, run the program and create a NEW virtual machind and new virtual hard drive. Virtual PC 2007 should also work for this on Vista systems. If you have XP Home, you can also try Microsoft's Virtual PC 2004. Ignore those, it works with Home SP3 I know. You can try for XP Home, and it will install with warning boxes appearing.
If you have XP Pro SP3 like I did, download Microsoft's Virtual PC 2007 for free and install. If you are having the same problem, try this, it worked for me. I got closer trying on an XP Home SP2 computer opening the game in Compatibility Mode, but still wouldn't play. I tried the various patches suggested around the internet sites. I tried it with the latest Quicktime and Direct X, then uninstalled those and tried it under the original QT4 and DX6 which comes on the disc. I'd get the sound and could see the window frame, but blank screen, no video, sometimes it was worse.
I tried it on a new motherboard (Gigabyte MA785G-UD3H) that NEVER had win98se driver files available, using XP Pro SP3 and no matter how much I changed the Compatibility Mode to make it emulate play under win95 or win98, it wouldn't work. It's not easy to install outside of windows 98 however. Loved it years ago, and now my daughter will get to wander through the wonder of it. Historically this is a great game, one of the first, best video games for PC's. Installing in Windows XP, Problem Solutions